Topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacies

Due to Covid 19 we were all thrust into the virtual world of on line meetings. However, my on line participation drastically increased during this period. I am no fundi in teams or zoom meetings but my knowledge has grown in leaps and bounds.

Being a novice to PBL, I was unsure of it workings. Though, using the FISH guidelines made it easier to understand and process my thoughts. Technology enhanced learning has transformed how we communicate. Innovation in on line learning has been significant but also strategic. Such has the module of not mere enhancing the learners journey but also extending access to those who would be previously denied.

Upon watching the David White’s YouTube videos on his ‘residents & visitors‘ allowed me to focus on where do I do stand in the digital sphere. In this day and age it is normal to have feelings of apprehensiveness when it comes to the use of technology. My anxiety stems from the fact of the fear of looking foolish, alas also a fear of the unknown. On line education has become the norm. Although we live in the digital world, Covid 19 fast tracked e-learning. Without a doubt to be an effective and efficient learner in an on line environment one has to be digitally literate.

The ONL course has made me aware of new resources and opportunities out there.

1 Comment

  1. Maeling Ng says:

    Sharing similar sentiments. Fear is a rate limiting factor!

    You’re doing great with your blogging adventure!


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